Many factions have a campaign victory condition that involves wounding Archaon and dealing with the Warriors of Chaos. Wood Elves will also automatically be at war with the Warriors of Chaos, in addition to having negative diplomatic relations with other Chaos factions, especially Beastmen whom they hate. Greenskins, Vampire Coast, Vampire Counts, Skaven, Dark Elves and Tomb Kings do not gain this trait, though they are automatically at war with the Warriors of Chaos, who will not hesitate to attack them if they get in the way. These factions gain the diplomatic trait Shield of Civilization during a Chaos Invasion, making them more likely to stick together against Chaos. In Mortal Empires, they are joined by High Elves and Lizardmen. Opposing Chaos is The Empire, Dwarfs, Bretonnia and other human factions. All other Norscan factions do not automatically become Vassals, but may ally with Chaos all the same.Skaeling: Automatically vassals of the Warriors of Chaos if still on the map.Varg: Automatically vassals of the Warriors of Chaos if still on the map.Bjornling: Respawns alongside the main invasion when fully killed beforehand, always starts neutral with Warriors of Chaos.In Mortal Empires, these subfactions used to be included but have been removed: Warriors of Chaos are the primary aggressors.Additionally, there is a global +2 Chaos Corruption during the invasion. The factions who attack are mostly hordes or similar factions, so they tend to raze a lot of settlements. Is there any champion of the Old World mighty enough to withstand the Lord of the End Times? Overview The earth groans beneath the iron-shod feet of Archaon's numberless horde, and with him comes death. It is to his banner that the Warriors of Chaos have been flocking, and it is his malign will that now drives them forth in a terrible wave of destruction destined to sweep all before it. In their service, he has devoted himself to the world's destruction, defeating all challengers and rising to a position of dominance over all in the Chaos Wastes, achieving the ultimate accolade - his dark coronation as the Everchosen the vessel through which the Dark Gods unite their followers to turn the world into a Realm of Chaos. Once a Templar Priest of Sigmar, Archaon uncovered a terrible secret which drove him to reject his faith and pledge himself to the Gods of Chaos. The Old World despairs, for Archaon the Everchosen, Champion of Chaos, has come and with him the End Times! 2.1 What happens if I'm playing as the Warriors of Chaos, Norsca, or Beastmen?.